October Wrap-Up & November TBR

Hello again, friends! I hope everyone is recovering well from their Halloween weekends. If anyone has any Halloween candy that would otherwise go to waste, you’re more than welcome to send it over my way for guaranteed consumption. Please think of the candy, won’t you? I’m forgoing my usual Whatcha Readin’ Wednesday post for this Wrap-Up, which might be for the best, as I didn’t really read that much this week, anyway. (Shout-out to Halloween Weekend for being filled with many cocktails, much candy, and so many dogs in costumes.)

October had a solid showing, even though I didn’t get much done in the way of completing books. I finished two major reading projects that I’d been working on, including my first collaboration with Social Book Co. (which you can use to find the lowest price on books!) and ticking yet another Netgalley book off of the To-Do List. Given the pace that I’ve read this month, however, I decided to reevaluate my Goodreads goal of trying to read 75 books by the end of 2016, because there is absolutely no way that I could have accomplished another 30 books in just two months. Nope. I bumped it down to 50 — a lot more reasonable of a number. Without further ado, here’s all that went down on this blog!

Books Completed:

Reviews Completed:

November TBR:

  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling
  • Mind of the Phoenix by Jamie McLachlan
  • Crystal Cadets by Anne Toole

Weekly Features:

How did your October go? Was it better, worse, or just as you planned? What was the best thing you read all month? Let me know in the comments!

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