Whatcha Readin’ Wednesday: April 12th, 2017

It’s that time of the week again where we ask the lovely blog owner: WHATCHA READIN’? In this weekly segment, I give a brief glimpse into the books that are currently occupying my spare time, as well as a little recap of the past seven days, overall.

So, Amber, whatcha readin’?

Seems that I’m in a pattern of posting these once every two or so weeks, haha. I’ve started going to Barre classes after work on Tuesday (and Thursday!) nights, which has been sorely cutting into my WRW time. However, I haven’t made too too much progress this week in terms of reading due to the sheer volume of things I had to get done in my personal and work life all last week. I swear, I’m treating myself to the most decadent shots once this brand work finally launches. My ass has been busted to hell and back with this. BUT AT LEAST I’M READING A LITTLE BIT RIGHT. RIGHT?

20757526This was my latest tub-time book that eventually turned into “the other book I’m reading is dense as hell so here’s something a little lighter for me to read on my commute through the Metro.” Sandy Hall’s A Little Something Different is exactly what it says on the tin: it tells the love story of two young college students from the perspectives of the people — and squirrels — around them. Don’t let the sheer volume of differing perspectives alarm you — this book flows well and is a quick read. I had put it down for about two/three weeks while I worked on other books, but was able to quickly pick it back up and finish it in about two shots. Expect a review of this to go up sometime this weekend!

31409135And this is the aforementioned “dense as hell” book that I needed A Little Something Different to water down. The Radium Girls is a non-fiction account of the medical horrors that befell hundreds of women radium workers in the early 20th century and the struggles they faced to get legitimate treatment — if they even lived to tell the tale. Not only is this book dense as previously mentioned, but it is heavy as hell; another person dies essentially every other page, which only highlights how rampant radium-induced poisoning was in the workplace. Honestly, I get more and more pissed off at the blatant misogyny and pursuit of the dollar with each page — but that’s the marxist feminist in me pissed off at the world in general.

So, whatcha readin’ this week? Any interesting updates or books you want to start soon? Let’s chat in the comments below!

Whatcha Readin’ Wednesday: March 29th, 2017

It’s that time of the week again where we ask the lovely blog owner: WHATCHA READIN’? In this weekly segment, I give a brief glimpse into the books that are currently occupying my spare time, as well as a little recap of the past seven days, overall.

So, Amber, whatcha readin’?

#Sorrynotsorry for skipping last week’s update: I, unfortunately, succumbed to an awful late-winter flu. It was the absolute worst. However, I did use the time away from my computer (and work…and social life) to get quite a bit of reading done, as well as lay the groundwork for breezing through two more books! AND I got a few more graphic novels that I need to try to read this week/weekend for an extra Goodreads boost toward my goal of 60 books in 2017! Futhermore, I’m already close to finished on one of the books I started last week — my first book for Xpresso Book Tours since coming back from hiatus! Hooray! Also, fun fact, I saw a real-life copy of Gilded Cage in a local bookstore over the weekend, which made me get some sense of pride for having been an early reviewer of the book.

31423196It took a month, but I finally completed Defy the Stars over the weekend. Wow wow wow, what an ending on this one. While I’m still a little blindsided with how quickly everything was resolved at the end of all of the action, I can easily say that this book has totally turned me on to reading more space operas like this one in the future. Furthermore, the book isn’t even published until April 4th, so I’m hoping I can sit down this weekend to write my review and release it on the Book Birthday! It’s always great to read a book that’s out of my usual genre comfort zone and be pleasantly surprised at how it can change my perception of a whole group of stories I’d otherwise overlook. I’m so pleased with this book and I hope y’all pick it up on the 4th when it comes out.

25041504As mentioned previously, I read Me Before You to help pull myself out of a depressive period, only to pick up After You this year after another depressive period. (Yay, chronic major depression!) However, reading Louisa gradually come to terms with losing Will, striking it out on her own, and learning to love again. One of my favorite things about Jojo Moyes’ writing is that her characters get involved in some pretty extraordinary circumstances, but the characters themselves — Louisa, Treena, Lily, Sam, the Traynors, Mrs. & Mr. Clark — feel like they could step off the page as fully-realized people. This approach makes it such an enjoyable trip through the course of the story — and lends itself to being the perfect bubble bath time read.


16292157I, more or less, picked up Husbands on a whim at my favorite comic book shop, when I was told that I could get a discount on my purchase if I got the book and attended Queer Book Club the following week. Hell yeah, I’ll take it. QBC took place on Saturday, the 24th, so while I’ve already analyzed and scrutinized this book and back with my fellow queer peers, I’m probably going to write a mini-review about it to go up this weekend or so. Husbands follows Cheeks and Brady, a newlywed couple who got drunkenly married in Vegas after 6 weeks of dating, as they travel through various dimensions to learn more about themselves as a couple. It’s cute, it’s fluffy — and it doesn’t need to be anything more than that.


31145157 Alas, my most recent project! After the heaviness of both Defy the Stars and After You, getting to The Truth About Happily Ever After is a nice palate cleanser to get into the groove of some cute, predictable contemporary romance — just in time for my anniversary with my partner. This follows Alyssa, a Cinderella face character for Enchanted Enterprises, as she navigates her second summer at the Enchanted Dominion. Up until this point, her life has been nothing short of a fairy tale — but now she has to start working to juggle life with and without the tiara. Romance bursts, tempers flare, and wigs get stuck with lollipops by bratty children, but Alyssa can handle the stress. It’s what princesses do, right?


So, whatcha readin’ this week? Any interesting updates or books you want to start soon? Let’s chat in the comments below!

Whatcha Readin’ Wednesday: March 15, 2017

It’s that time of the week again where we ask the lovely blog owner: WHATCHA READIN’? In this weekly segment, I give a brief glimpse into the books that are currently occupying my spare time, as well as a little recap of the past seven days, overall.

So, Amber, whatcha readin’?

After a few weeks of work and personal travel, I’m finally starting to get my bookish, professional, and personal lives back into sync. We’ve got a few mini-reviews on deck for Friday, as well as a cover reveal on Thursday! Be on the look out for those later on in the week. As for reading, I’ve gotten back into the habit of taking the Metro again rather than Lyfting everywhere, allowing me more reading time again. I’ve made significant headway on one of the books, and knocked out a big chunk of the bathtime book I’m reading, as well. Hmm, maybe I should make bath bombs and books a thing after all of my barre classes. I’d finish books a lot quicker, that’s for sure.

31423196After suddenly losing her best friend in a surprise attack from Earthling forces, Noemi has had no choice but to trust the decades-old mech she finds on a nearby abandoned ship. Her plan? Destroy the black hole gate that links Genesis, her home planet, to Earth. Noemi and Abel, the omniscient mech, embark on a quest to locate just the right tools that will help them achieve that goal. At this point, they’ve already narrowly escaped stealing parts off of one planet; who’s to say that they won’t be successful on the next? This book, with each chapter alternating perspectives between Noemi and Abel, has completely enraptured me. I’m usually not one for space-themed books, but Gray’s writing has made me start to rethink that. Though this book is HELLA long, it’s so fun and action-packed that it doesn’t feel that way.

What is it about Jojo Moyes books that makes them so good to read in the bathtub? They just round off that perfectly cozy atmosphere I’m trying to achieve with the bath bomb + indie folk music + glass of white wine combination. After 75 more pages, Louisa has found herself roped into helping members of Will’s family unite for the first time after a surprising revelation into his past. However, a few snags in that plan arise when the surprise is far more volatile than anyone had ever imagined. On top of that, Louisa has to deal with an ever-stifling job at an Irish-themed pub that seeks to scrub her of the vivacious personality that made Will fall in love with her in the first place. It’s heart-wrenching, it’s dreamy — After You is a delight so far.

So, whatcha readin’ this week? Any interesting updates or books you want to start soon? Let’s chat in the comments below!

Whatcha Readin’ Thursday: March 9th, 2017

It’s that time of the week again where we ask the lovely blog owner: WHATCHA READIN’? In this weekly segment, I give a brief glimpse into the books that are currently occupying my spare time, as well as a little recap of the past seven days, overall.

So, Amber, whatcha readin’?

So I completely forgot to do this post last week, since I was trying to get the monthly update post out, but LMAO neither of those things happened last week. What did happen, however? A metric ton of reading and getting actual shit done. Once again, I traveled out of DC for a work trip and up to New York City. During the train rides up and down, I got a ton of reading done — almost more than I did when traveling to Dallas a few weeks ago! And, yes, the monthly post did end up going up…Tuesday. If I play my cards right, I might be able to finish another book this week (in between a major picket at a Known Nazi’s house). And, hey, maybe I can maximize my bathtub reading time, too, to combat stress.

31423196Here it is: the monolithic FINAL Netgalley book that I need to tackle based off of the ever-looming back log of galleys accumulated when I first started this blogging project. Furthermore, I’m on track to finish this one before it actually goes to print in April, which is always exciting! Claudia Gray is the author of a few different books within the new Star Wars canon, so to read another spacey book by her is really exciting. Defy The Stars takes place in a distant future where Earth has completely depleted its resources and relies on imports from other planets they’ve colonized. Noemi, a soldier from the planet Genesis, goes off course after a surprise attack from Earth. After stumbling upon an old Earthling rescue ship among the wreckage of wars past, can she unravel the mysteries that led it to its demise?

Me Before You was a surprising delight when I read it last spring while I was dealing with a lot of personal dilemmas. It’s one of the rare books that left me sobbing in the shower once I finished it because it was so sad, yet gripping. Naturally, After You has become my latest bath time reading project this spring. This sequel takes place around 2 years after the events of Me Before You, and Louisa is just starting to come to terms with Will’s passing. However, a dramatic accident of her own leaves Louisa severely damaged physically — and emotionally. So far, this fast-paced novel has made me flip pages quicker than it takes for me to sip a gin and tonic. Trust me, I can drink g&t’s hella fast.
2846046028460575A year and a half after the release of the Star Wars episode VII, I’ve finally gotten around to re-reading these mini books by Valerie Estelle Frankel. Expect reviews tomorrow, honestly. They were quick little one-offs that I could slam back on my train rides to and from New York City this week. AGAIN, WE’RE CLEARING THE BACK LOG OF OWED REVIEWS, WHEW.

So, whatcha readin’ this week? Any interesting updates or books you want to start soon? Let’s chat in the comments below!

Whatcha Readin’ Wednesday: February 22nd, 2017

It’s that time of the week again where we ask the lovely blog owner: WHATCHA READIN’? In this weekly segment, I give a brief glimpse into the books that are currently occupying my spare time, as well as a little recap of the past seven days, overall.

So, Amber, whatcha readin’?

Howdy from Washington, DC again! Last week was one hell of a doozy with the traveling here, there, and everywhere, but a metric ton of things were completed both in my business and blogging lives. However, I’m proud that I was able to accomplish a few major tasks here that I was hoping to get done while on my trip, including the review of Mind of the Phoenix. After this week, I’ve only got one more Galley to read and review, then another to review (hopefully to go live this week)! When Operation: Clear the Galley is completed, then Operation: Eyes on iBooks will commence! #letsdothis
26486384A YEAR AND A HALF LATER, everything’s all said and done with Crystal Cadets! This was my second read-through of the graphic novel and it was just as enjoyable as the first go-round! As corny as this sounds, I picked this back up because I desperately needed to get caught up again on my reading pace, as I was two books behind where I needed to be as of last week; this was such an easy read to breeze through while waiting for all of the passengers to board my plane from Dallas to Chicago last Saturday. As I mention in my review (which will be posted tomorrow), it’s a perfect iteration of the magical girl genre for the type of feminist, diverse generation that follows us. Read it for you, pass it to your sisters, pass it to your brothers — but just spread the message.

30258320Man, talk about your sleeper hit with this book. As of last week, it was pretty clear that I just was not feeling anything about Gilded Cage whatsoever. It took me two weeks just to get through the first thirty percent of the story, but once I started getting into it more throughout my travels, everything fell more into place. By the end of it all, I was engrossed in the uprising building in Great Britain against the Equals and the institution of the Slavedays. I don’t want to get too much into my thoughts and feelings on this book, since I have a review going up on Friday, but just definitely do know: it was a pleasant surprise. I just wish that it didn’t take peeling away layers for all of the plot’s action to get truly rolling.

So, whatcha readin’ this week? Any interesting updates or books you want to start soon? Let’s chat in the comments below!

Whatcha Readin’ Wednesday: February 15th, 2017

It’s that time of the week again where we ask the lovely blog owner: WHATCHA READIN’? In this weekly segment, I give a brief glimpse into the books that are currently occupying my spare time, as well as a little recap of the past seven days, overall.

So, Amber, whatcha readin’?

Howdy from Dallas, y’all! I’ve been here since Sunday afternoon for a work trip and it’s been an absolute dream so far. I achieved a good chunk of reading and writing over the weekend while traveling, but now that I’m in Dallas for the rest of the week, the reading has slowed. However, there’s going to be more downtime tonight and over the course of the next few nights after filming wraps each day, so I anticipate that there’s going to be even more progress! I’m hoping to finish two more books before I touch back down in DC on Saturday night.

30337432Now that I’ve finished Pro, this book has become my main project. If I finish Gilded Cage this week like I intend to, it’ll be the fastest I’ve turned in a review to NetGalley since I first started collecting galleys! Since I started reading the book, I’ve learned that my first impressions weren’t exactly hitting the mark. This is actually an alternate reality, so it’s interesting to see the characters talk about slightly-altered historical events. Each chapter comes from the point of view of an entirely different character: while this is an interesting, Game of Thrones-esque technique, I’m curious to see exactly how she’s going to roll it out as the book moves on. Will characters repeat or will we continue getting the different perspectives? And why is there a naked dude on a leash? How did we get to that point? I need to learn more about the history behind this society, honestly.

So, whatcha readin’ this week? Any interesting updates or books you want to start soon? Let’s chat in the comments below!

Whatcha Readin’ Wednesday: February 8th, 2017

It’s that time of the week again where we ask the lovely blog owner: WHATCHA READIN’? In this weekly segment, I give a brief glimpse into the books that are currently occupying my spare time, as well as a little recap of the past seven days, overall.

So, Amber, whatcha readin’?

Reading has, unfortunately, been at a minimum the past few days because I’m so caught up in getting everything ready for my trip to Dallas next week! While I’ll be hella busy during the day all next week, I’m still going to have so much time during my flights and after work to sit back and relax with my digital TBR. Since I finished Mind of the Phoenix, though,  last week, I ended up starting my final Netgalley ARC and then received my own copy of ProReclaiming Abortion Rights in the mail. Oh, and I’ve been stepping up my Instagram game the past few weeks, so go check me out at @onlytruemagic!

20518909The original copy of Pro that I was reading from a few weeks ago was actually borrowed from the library and I stupidly put off reading it for months (literally, 2 months) before starting, not realizing that people might actually put a hold on it. Once I had to turn it in, I recognized that, yeah, this is something that I need in my personal library. In the chapter I just finished today, Pollitt expertly approaches different arguments against legal abortion and breaks them down individually to get to the root of each argument. (Hint: it essentially boils down to thoroughly-entrenched misogyny.) Thus far, her writing and exploration into what it really takes to start turning the tide in the battle of keeping abortion legal in the US is approachable, understandable without being condescending, which is always welcomed in what can be an isolating space.

30258320You know when you’re already overwhelmed with galleys from NetGalley and then you decide on a whim to get a book? Yeah, this book is the result of one of those whims. (But at least I’m finally catching up!) While I’m not too far into this book, I can admit that I’m excited about the premise. In a not-so-distant future, England has fallen under the rule of aristocrats gifted with extraordinary powers. The ordinary folks, however, are required to submit 10 years of their lives to slavery to the aristocrats before they are considered fully Equal. I’m a little lost so far within the plot and how it’s unfolding, but then again, I’ve only finished through the prologue and the first chapter. I’m sure as time goes on within the story, things will clear themselves up. We’ll see how it goes!

532939In a bit of a panic, I realized I was a few books behind on staying on track with my reading goal for 2017 — and so I pulled I Can’t Tell You from my shelves. This book is one that I’ve had in my personal library for about 10 years at this point, so it’s basically a relic of a different time in my reading career. After a blow out with his former best friend, college freshman Jacob Jacobsen (yup, his actual name) decides to undergo a vow of silence in order to avoid any further verbal ruin. This book follows a different storytelling structure than most: the entirety of the plot is told through notes passed between Jacob and his friends as he works through his feelings about friends, family, and what it truly means to embrace the silence.

So, whatcha readin’ this week? Any interesting updates or books you want to start soon? Let’s chat in the comments below!

Whatcha Readin’ Wednesday: January 25th, 2017

It’s that time of the week again where we ask the lovely blog owner: WHATCHA READIN’? In this weekly segment, I give a brief glimpse into the books that are currently occupying my spare time, as well as a little recap of the past seven days, overall.

So, Amber, whatcha readin’?

It’s still Wednesday in my time zone so I DO WHAT I WANT. Unless you’ve been living under a rock over the last week, then you’ll know that things are absolutely imploding in the United States since our new dictator president was sworn into office on Friday. I’ve been spending a lot of time out in the streets exercising my First Amendment right to peacefully assemble, but y’all will hear more about that in a post coming up later this week. This week, though, in “celebration” of this inauguration, I’ve been focusing more on feminist-based texts to keep my momentum going. Activism can be a full-time job with staying up-to-date with important literature for the movement, so I’m doing the best I can to read whatever’s the most relevant at the time. Let’s go.

22738563Adichie’s words were consistently quoted within the feminist sphere back in my Tumblr days — and for good reason. She has such an eloquent, yet succinct way of getting her ideas and message across, so that even the less-seasoned of those in the feminist movement will be able to pick up the book and understand. One of the great things about this book, as well, is that it clocks in around 50 very short pages; it’s actually a published version of a xTED Talk she delivered a few years back. Honestly, I started — and finished — it today, all within the span of one train ride to work. I’ll be doing a mini-review on it for later in the week, but know that this is an important text.

20518909I can’t stress this enough: women’s rights are absolutely under attack right now — and it starts and ends with reproductive freedom. We’re seeing this already with the reinstatement of the Global Gag Rule. Reading through Katha Pollitt’s Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights continues to be a nice refresher for everything that I’ve been working towards for the past six years of my life. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to put this book on hold for about a week or so because I had to take it back to the library (lol, I suck and couldn’t renew it), so I’m waiting on my own copy to come from Amazon. It might even be for the best that I ended up having to buy my own copy; it’s definitely going to be an important reference for any and all actions I organize over the next four years.

25257653Since I’ve been focused on working on the other two books, Mind of the Phoenix fell to the wayside. It’s probably for the best, too, because I’m not really feeling it that much? As the book moves forward, Moira, the main character gets increasingly insufferable as a Mary-Sue type. Everyone wants to fuck her, she’s — of course — got some kind of secret power that makes her the most sacred in all the land, she’s got ~*unique*~ physical features that make her stand out. Furthermore, at the point I read to today on my way home from work, the plot went completely off the rails — and not in a good way. Where the story is now is completely irrelevant to how it started, reminding me a lot of Every Big and Little Wish. Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that I need to submit a review to NetGalley, I would have quit this by now.

So, whatcha readin’ this week? Any interesting updates or books you want to start soon? Let’s chat in the comments below!

Whatcha Readin’ Wednesday: January 18th, 2017

It’s that time of the week again where we ask the lovely blog owner: WHATCHA READIN’? In this weekly segment, I give a brief glimpse into the books that are currently occupying my spare time, as well as a little recap of the past seven days, overall.

So, Amber, whatcha readin’?

After taking a few months off to mourn the loss of American democracy lol, I really hit the ground running this month to get back into the groove of blogging again. This month so far, I’ve already finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, both by J.K. Rowling. Only two weeks into the year and I’m already on track to kill it. As such, I’ve got two more books in the works right now, both of which are moving quickly. Hopefully, the protesting I’m going to be doing this weekend won’t interfere with the reading schedule, haha.

20518909If this isn’t the right time of, well, life for me to be reading this, then I don’t know what is. Author Katha Pollitt is a former columnist on noted progressive newspaper, The Nation; no fake news bullshit here. In Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights, Pollitt dives straight into the past and present of the US abortion rights movement to provide context to the strident restrictions and attempted bans that have cropped up since the procedure was legalized in 1973. (Happy birthday, Roe, on January 22nd!) While very little of this book is actually new to me, as a vocal and active abortion rights activist, this book so far is great to get me re-energized for the fights we’ll be seeing ahead as long as we’re going to have a bunch of goddamn fascists in office. I might just get extra copies to give to muddled moderate friends to push them over the edge.

25257653 And, with starting this book, I’ve finally reached the light at the end of the tunnel with the Netgalley books I received all the way back in late 2015. I feel like a giant asshole for letting this sit and wait so long (like…it deleted itself from Bluefire long), but better late than never, I guess. However, maybe I subconsciously saved the worst for last because this is just not great so far. The concept is intriguing: set in a steampunk world, a young Empath has the chance to fight for her freedom by helping to solve a murder mystery. There are a lot of interesting ways in which this could possibly go down, but, thus far, I’m infinitely annoyed by both Jamie McLachlan’s writing style and the immediate Mary-Sue tendencies of her main character, Moira. Come on, heterochromia and being the most powerful Empath of her time? How cliche.

So, whatcha readin’ this week? Any interesting updates or books you want to start soon? Let’s chat in the comments below!

Whatcha Readin’ Wednesday: October 26th, 2016

It’s that time of the week again where we ask the lovely blog owner: WHATCHA READIN’? In this weekly segment, I give a brief glimpse into the books that are currently occupying my spare time, as well as a little recap of the past seven days, overall.

So, Amber, whatcha readin’?

And after a bit of a spike in reading activity, this week fell somewhat short compared what I was anticipating to reach. However, any progress is good progress — and I finished #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso! Don’t worry, I won’t be letting out any spoilers on my thoughts during this post; you’ll see exactly what I think about the book on Friday’s review. Furthermore, I did make some modest progress in both Half-Blood Prince and The Heartbeat Thief, despite the both of them falling to the wayside to the pressing #GIRLBOSS deadline. But hey, now that I’m no longer pressed by a deadline, I can spend this week focusing on the other two books — and getting out the Kiss, Kill, Love Him Still review I’ve been putting off for a month now.

17347380Half-Blood Prince is chugging along well; I’m in the home stretch, essentially! The last time I updated Goodreads, it indicated that I was 71% of the way through the novel. It might be a little bit more than that now, but I don’t think I’ve touched the book since I did the Goodreads update on Friday. Harry’s putting forth his best efforts in trying to obtain the one clouded memory from Slughorn, while also trying his best to figure out exactly what Malfoy’s up to. Ron and Hermione seem to be catching feelings for one another, as well! The gradual development of their relationship  is actually one of my favorite things about the series and it’s so pure to see it unfold all over again. Since neither I nor my partner have any traveling or major events demanding our attendance this weekend, I wouldn’t be surprised if I finished this by Halloween.

25320527The further I get into this book, the more and more engrossed I become. There’s something about the main character, Senza, in the Heartbeat Thief that I want to absolutely abhor, but I can’t help but adore her at the same time? Now that she’s fully embraced her role at the edge of mortal existence in stealing away heartbeats, it’s interesting to see her change into a far more aloof woman than she was when she was merely a debutante. Of course, she still pines for the man who gave her such a burden to bear, but I’m excited to see where her constant need to change roles in society takes her. I’m about halfway through this book and might be able to finish this, too, on the train or when we’re waiting in places. Lord knows the lines are going to be long Saturday while I’m waiting to get my early voting done.

So, whatcha readin’ this week? Any interesting updates or books you want to start soon? Let’s chat in the comments below!