5 Things on Sunday: Book Organization

Happy Sunday, everyone! I hope you all are having a nice, relaxing weekend. It’s definitely been a treat-yo-self kind of weekend here, as it’s the first one in a long while where neither I nor my partner have to travel anywhere!

For those who are new to this meme, it was started by Kendra at Reads and Treats as a not-always-bookish alternative to Top 5 Wednesdays. Most of the time, the prompts are about book-related topics, but on occasion, we’re treated to non-bookish items as a breather.

This week, the theme is:

5 Ways I Organize My Books

  1. By Owner: Since Sam and I moved in together and combined libraries, we quickly learned that one of the easiest ways of organizing the books is by original owner. He has a shelf & I have a shelf. I might buy more shelves for my growing collection, tbh.
  2. By Genre: I guess this is more of a loose definition of the term “genre.” Since I brought 3 bookshelves with me when I moved up, the third shelf is dedicated to our combined graphic novel and comic collections. Since we both have so many trades, it’s just easier to put them on their own.
  3. By Author, Alphabetically: Or, at least, when I was living on my own. I’ve yet been able to have the time to sit down and reorganize my shelf this way, but it helps me parse it down even more before I organize…
  4. By Series: Since I never know quite what I’m in the mood to read until I’m looking at my shelves, having everything parsed out by series makes the decision that much easier.
  5. By Alphabetical Order: For authors that write a lot of standalones, but not necessarily series, that’s when I decide to just go alphabetically by title. I’m meticulous, goddamn it.

How do you organize your books? Are they organized at all? Let’s talk in the comments!

9 thoughts on “5 Things on Sunday: Book Organization

  1. I have kind of a strange system- I have one shelf where all my favorites go, series are together and in order, and the books go by size. My other shelves are somewhat haphazard. They are sort of loosely grouped by publisher. Then I have a ton of books that don’t have proper organization at all, but I know where everything is.

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  2. My books are somewhat organized. But it’s a loose and intuitive organization. My Harry Potter series stand together, for example, but JK Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy is somewhere else. Usually I do have books by the same authors together though. Although my Barnes & Noble Collectible editions are also together even when I have books by the same author elsewhere 😀

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